Customs Services
“MAGISTRAT TRADE”, LLC offers a full range of brokerage services for full customs processing of cargo. The services include:
- customs clearance consulting, taxes and fees calculation;
- temporary import/export registration;
- calculation of customs payments, tracking of cash balances on customs accounts, organization of payment orders;
- processing of certificates, permits and other permitting documents (certificates of conformity, sanitary-epidemiological conclusion, declaration of conformity, refusal letters, etc.);
- processing of Cargo Customs Declaration and Declaration of Customs Value;
- correctly chosen product code;
- certification;
- entry prices and customs payments monitoring;
- obtaining and preparation of documentation for customs clearance;
- survey services on the customer's demand;
- implementing of the necessary inspection operations and weighing of goods, including those demanded by the controlling authorities or the consignee;
- independent expertise with the participation of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation representatives;
- With our help, you can go through all the necessary procedures in the shortest possible time and at no extra cost and expense.