Freight Forwarding at Ports
“MAGISTRAT TRADE”, LLC offers a wide range of services in the area of sea and ground container transportation, cargo forwarding at Novorossoysk, Gelendzhik, Tuapse, Temruk, Rostov-on-Don, Vladivostok ports, organization of Internal Customs Transit to the place of customs procedures implementation.
Freight forwarding of import-export cargos is, first of all, a constant monitoring of the cargo’s processing at the port at every stage: issuing of necessary documentation, implementing of loading-unloading, delivery of containers to customs area and temporary storage warehouses, organization of exporting (or importing) of containers from (to) the port (including loading on transport and documenting), passing of customs and other procedures, issuing on Internal Customs Transit. Our company’s extensive experience will help you with every stage of freight forwarding at ports.
Freight forwarding at ports includes:
- Issuing of permission for cargo export from port authorities and the customs;
- At-port operations: examination, weighing, repacking;
- Organization of cargo storage at ports, including special refrigerated containers for perishable goods (fruit, vegetables, etc.);
- Packing, unpacking and trans-shipment of cargo;
- Gathering and further processing of information about shipped or received cargo;
- Interaction with port, customs and other public authorities and agents;
- Organization of oversized cargo processing;
- Surveying maintenance on a client’s demand;
- Container or other cargo export out of the port on time;
- Proceeding of freight and consignment documents gathered from liner and shipping agents;
- Implementing of necessary search operations and cargo weighing, including those demanded by the controlling authorities or the consignee.